Soft Skills in Technology


Soft Skills in Technology

KSP Season 12 Ep 3:

Soft Skill in Technology

Photographer: Indah Cahyani Styoningrum

Writer: Indah Cahyani Styoningrum

This time, ISTTS held a KSP with the theme Overseas Alumni: Inspire Success which is Season 12 Episode 3. Where the webinar participants had the opportunity to gain knowledge about Soft Skills needed in the world of work. This webinar was held on Friday, February 25, 2022 with the topic “Soft Skills in Technology”. This webinar is hosted by Imanuel Gusti Joyo, who is an alumni of ISTTS in 1995. This webinar is intended for external and internal participants through the Zoom platform and live streaming Youtube.

Picture 1 Introduction

In this webinar, Mr. Imanuel will tell about his experience while working and what soft skills are needed in a job, especially in the field of technology. Initially, this KSP was opened with an introduction by Mr. Immanuel and a short trip to school and work. After that, Mr. Imanuel asked the question "what are soft skills?", then he said that soft skills are often associated with EQ - Emotional Intelligence Quotient. He also said that abroad, especially Australia, they would be more concerned with EQ than IQ. The HRD will provide a case or scenario, the answers given by the applicants will determine whether the applicant has enough EQ or soft skills needed, especially in doing team work.

According to LinkedIn, there are 5 components of soft skills that are most needed and sought after in work, namely Creativity, Collaboration, Adaptability, Persuasion, and Time Management. Then there are 5 important soft skills in the world of technology, namely Communication & Collaboration, Time Management, Networking, Empathy, and Critical Thinking. These soft skills can only be acquired with experience. For Communication & Collab, Mr. Imanuel said that we must be open and honest (integrity), listen, pay attention, and work together to achieve goals (at project driven). Then he gave a tip for using The Sandwich Technique where we give praise, criticism and praise again in communicating feedback.


Picture 2 The Sandwich Technique

In time management, when we do it right it will provide many benefits such as increasing productivity and efficiency, relieving stress, increasing self-discipline, increasing the ability to make decisions, and getting a sense of satisfaction. The way to improve time management is to work smart. Mr. Imanuel said that in Australia, if there are employees who work overtime, the boss will assume that the employee is not capable of doing the job.

On Networking, Mr. Imanuel gave a tip, namely "Don't treat anyone like a business contact. Rather, treat them as your friends”. Then by increasing Critical Thinking, we can increase creativity, and improve problem solving skills. After explaining what soft skills are needed, Mr. Imanuel gave some exercises on how to communicate well.

Picture 3 Communication Exercise

After doing the exercises and giving a discussion, Mr. Imanuel gave things that need to be avoided (red flags) in the world of work, namely never making assumptions, poor communication skills and giving hasty conclusions. Then he gave a tip that if you are going to do a presentation, study it and see who will listen to the presentation. See the background, and who are the possible questions that will be asked and their answers. For example, if the person who will be given a presentation is the manager to the CEO, then give a simple and easy to understand explanation, no need to go into detail

Picture 4 Participants Documention

The webinar was followed by a question and answer session between participants and resource persons. After that, it was followed by filling out the attendance list and taking a group photo. If you have questions about the material presented at KSP, you can contact the resource person via email
